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Book Reading: Heather Harbord will show slides and speak on her book Desolation Sound: a History at the Gillies Bay Seniors’ Centre, 2-5 p.m. Sunday, September 23rd. The book is dedicated to a well-known Texada woman, Maria Zaikow, who grew up in Roscoe Bay in Desolation Sound. Another Texadan who figures in the book is Mary Gussman who grew up in Malaspina Inlet. Her Uncle Robert was one of the early settlers on West Redonda Island just north of Refuge Cove. Pictures of youthful versions of both these women will be shown in the slide show. The book, which has been on the BC Bestseller List for several weeks, has many stories of pioneer living from old timers like Mike Shuttler who, arriving in the early 1890’s, built his snug cabin in the choicest cove in Prideaux Haven; to modern day settlers like the Carstens who brought their San Diego business with them. Desolation Sound: A History is Heather Harbord’s fourth book. She has also written Sea Kayak Desolation Sound and the Sunshine Coast, Sea Kayak Nootka and Kyuquot Sounds and Nootka Sound and the Surrounding Waters of Maquinna. She has also written feature articles for Pacific Yachting, The Victoria Times Colonist and while writing for the Powell River News, she wrote 119 Powell River People columns, parts of which reappear in the current book Before retirement her working life as a professional librarian took her to Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia before she returned to BC where she also worked as a chartered financial planner. For the past thirty years she has kayaked and sailed many places along the British Columbia coast as well as traveling extensively abroad. Desolation Sound: A History by Heather Harbord, Harbour Publishing, May 17, 2007, ISBN 978-55017-407-6, $24.95. Copies available at any bookstore in Canada and the USA and from the author. Psst – It’s a good read! Do not miss this event which relates to the heritage of Texada. Tea and coffee will be served. To download this information in .pdf format please click here. ................................................................................................
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