Texada Island Heritage Society

Texada Island, British Columbia, Canada



Jack Leslie

1884 - 1968

 Jack Leslie served his apprenticeship in the British Navy. Arriving on the BC Coast he worked as a faller and later a fisherman before settling in Clam Bay which is nestled within a short distance of Blubber Bay around 1953. Jack handcrafted his models from driftwood found outside his front door. He sold most of his models apart from a few that he gave to local teachers, family and friends. Several of Jack’s models were even shipped to distant parts of the world.

Go  Behind The Scenes and see Dave and Brenda Rairie building the ship display case.





All Rights Reserved Texada Island Heritage Society - Copyright 2006-2015
Web Design courtesy of  Laurie Anne Paton-Rundle

This page was last updated Sunday May 06, 2018