Texada Island Heritage Society

Texada Island, British Columbia, Canada

Behind The Scenes




Our Texada Island Museum in Van Anda has a new look.

Phase 1

Our Museum designer and builder Lorrie Pirart has been busy again building a new facade for the outside of our Museum in Van Anda. Most of the material used to build the facade was from recycled lumber and windows from the Texada Island Community Hall.

Gerry Johnson also added his artistic flair by building the sign seen in the middle.

On a chilly December Saturday morning volunteers from the Texada Island Heritage Society Dave Rairie, Arron Rairie, Mike Martisca, Gerry Johnson, Ken Barton, Doug Paton met Lorrie Pirart to transport the structure to Van Anda then spent the rest of the day finishing off in the late afternoon.

Keep watch as we will be erecting an additional facade very soon also built from the same donated material.



Photos from this event

Description: Gerry Johnson, Doug Paton, Dave Rairie & Mike Martisca.

Description: Gerry Johnson & Lorrie Pirart

Description: Gerry Johnson & Lorrie Pirart

Description: Top - Arron Rairie, Lorrie Pirart. Bottom Dave Rairie, Mike Martisca

Description: Top- Arron Rairie, Lorrie Pirart Bottom Dave Rairie, Mike Martisca & Gerry Johnson.

Description: Top - Arron Rairie, Lorrie Pirart Bottom Dave Rairie, Mike Martisca


Description: Mike Martisca, Dave Rairie, Gerry Johnson & Lorrie Pirart

L to R - Mike Martisca, Dave Rairie, Gerry Johnson,& Doug Paton.


Phase 2

L to R - Gerry Johnson, Dave Johnson, Lorrie Pirart on Ladder.

L to R - Dave Johnson, Ken Barton, Gerry Johnson, Dave Rairie. & Al Mitchell

L to R - Dave Rairie & Lorrie Pirart.

We would like to thank all those supportive Texada Island residents that have donated so much of the aged wood that we have used building displays and other projects like this one. 

Photographs courtesy of Lorrie Pirart & Doug Paton




All Rights Reserved Texada Island Heritage Society - Copyright 2006-2018
Web Design
courtesy of Laurie Anne Paton-Rundle

This page was last updated Tuesday January 19, 2021